Search Results: "luciano"

23 July 2007

Luciano Bello: fancy /mathematical /insecure /unofuscated /reused captchas

Few days ago, Gunnar told me about a quite curious captcha:

But, in the other hand, it had been implemented insecurely. With just one answer, you can submit many times:

Furthermore, I notice that the captcha was precomputed and, therefore, finite and reused. I made more than 15,000 requests and I had less than 5% unique (there is no motivation to solve 700 differential equations :P).

Moral: Sometimes, extravagance goes against security.

30 May 2007

Luciano Bello: Obedientia Civium Urbis Felicitas (Happy the city where citizens obey)

Hi Dubs! (aka Dubliners)

In a week I will be in your land for few days, before DebConf7. I would like know what do you advise me to [visit/see/stay at/]. Can I visit the Google HQ? Where I can drink good beer? Do you plan go to Debconf as a group?
Please, leave a comment on this post or send me an email (luciano *at*

Thanks, see you in Ireland :)

14 March 2007

Luciano Bello: sometimes, unusual things happens (x2)

Causality I:
The Cause: CVE-2007-1365

The Effect:

Causality II:
The Cause: DAM has an idle evening

The Effect:

12 February 2007

Luciano Bello: DebConf8 ... be our guest

DebConf8 will be in Argentina... :D

Improve your tango.... and be our guest :)

9 February 2007

Luciano Bello: I know that one....

I know that one... Let me think... I have it on the tip of my tongue...


29 January 2007

Luciano Bello: lintian cleanliness

There're packages which are particularly averse to all this lintian issue:

$ lintian /var/cache/pbuilder/result/wicrawl_0.3a-1_i386.changes wc -l

19 December 2006

Luciano Bello: Dear Santa Pyro

Dear Santa Pyro,
I've been a really good maintainer this year and I hope not to get coal. Don't let my not-updated-lintian-page fool you. My packages hasn't got any RC bug in unstable or testing and they are all updated.
What I really want for Christmas is Task and Skill step finished. That will look great under Christmas tree :)
Thanks in advance.

Your eternal applicant, luciano

2 August 2006

Luciano Bello: cuasi-custom kernel in a non-traditional way

I'm averse to compile programs for productive machines. Lot's of developers and maintainers have been working (and work) hard to make a wonderful binary for you. But sometimes you need a customization. Especially if it's about a kernel. I was needed support for 8GB ram.

Most of the people would download a kernel from, would configure it and would compile it.

If it's about a Debian user, he would probably compile it by-the-Debian-way, with make-kpkg.

But I only needed a really small change from the debian official kernel image. So, I tried to made a custom kernel image, without wasting the work from the kernel team, making as less changes as possible.

$ apt-get source kernel-image-2.6.8-3-686-smp
$ vi kernel-image-2.6.8-i386-2.6.8/config/686-smp

Add support for HighMem64G:



In order to not generate all the images for all the platforms (I'm not sure that i386, k7, etc. are platforms) I delete those files from kernel-image-2.6.8-i386-2.6.8/config:

$ rm 386 686 k7 k7-smp

Then... let's bulid a package (compile in a DD-way :P)!


And now I have a package with my non-too-much-custom-kernel-image, ready to be used.

18 July 2006

Luciano Bello: the WTF survey

Sometimes, if you don t blog for a while, you need a good excuse for do it. Today I have one.

Click to see the whole page

You don t speak Spanish? You should :P.

It s a survey (or an opinion poll, i m not sure). The newspaper La Raz n ask to the readers: Are you agree that the tubal ligation and the vasectomy are allowed?. The answers are: between 9 and 7 hours (49.8%), between 6 and 4 hours (46.1%), ten or more (2.6%) and neither, I can t sleep (1.5%).

16 June 2006

Luciano Bello: ASCII football world cup

In the geek world exist funny useless things. If you are freak and football fan, you would enjoy this.

Now you can see all the football matches LIVE in ASCII !!

telnet 2006

BTW, Argentina won 6-0 :D. Let's go for the cup!

16 May 2006

Luciano Bello: tag bug_number + ma ana

Tagging bugs with Amaya, she propose create a new tag: Ma ana

I ask my self, which would be the difference with wontfix? xD

10 May 2006

Christoph Berg: Oaxtepec, Debcamp, and Internet Ma ana

The flight to Mexico last Saturday went pretty much all ok, except that the plane had to start through at MEX because of some unexpected wind and the generally low air pressure at high altitudes. While this delayed the landing for about 20 minutes, I had the opportunity for a second look at this incredibly large city. After getting through customs, we (with Herman, Tore, and Annabelle) met Neil McGovern in the airport lounge, and after Marcella and Luciano had arrived, we had a rather bumpy ride to Oaxtepec, amounting to a 20h journey for me. The site here is really beautiful, with lots of green, palms, other plants, and of the swimming pool. However, so far Debcamp has been rather unproductive, we haven't had net access until Monday evening, and even yesterday round trip times and packet loss were so high that neither ssh (IRC!) nor scp/ftp/http were really usable. Using irssi's proxy module allowed me to get rid of the lag locally for IRC, but the connection was still unstable. I wrote some patches which I have yet to submit and replied to most of my NM mail, but the next projects will all require access to the BTS and machines to be worked on. At the moment, network is down again because the antenna connecting us from the village fell down. The main activity for me so far has ben to play Mao with Jesus, Adeodato, Marga, Graham, Gerfried, and others :-) Todo: get some real work done; upload pictures; go to the pool. Ah... network just went up again, yet still slow... mail queue flushed... network down again...

5 May 2006

Luciano Bello: Debconf a la mexicana

Amaya, H0lger and many other people are leaving to Mexico. Those news, the impatience, the gimp and the tickets in my hand mixed each other and this image resulted.

You are invited to become a Marichi too. Here is the Gimp file, or you can use you own imagination.

I'm leaving this night, and tomorrow I will be in Mexico. I want to be there now! :)

3 April 2006

Luciano Bello: Quantum mechanics at

The last weeks I was reading about quantum mechanics. The theory goes around the problem of continuous (e.g., the time) vs discrete (e.g., the energy) values. I read about Dirac, Brown, Planck and Einstein.

But looking the Debconf's Statistics I found something interesting for the next Annalen der Physik. People can be counting as a Continuous Function!

I'm very curious... who lose the 5% of the body?

31 March 2006

Luciano Bello: Soccer geeks at DebConf6

Get ready for the first Debian Soccer Cup in Oaxtapec. :P

As we all know, sports are good for geeks.... that's why I'm organizing a Debconf Football Championship/Match. I would like to invite you all (yes, girls included) to join this championship/match.

Depending of how many people we will be and the field size that will be a single match or a championship.

All DebConf6 attendees are invited!

28 March 2006

Luciano Bello: Happy Anniversary, Pyro!

Today is an special day.

One year ago we (yes, you and me), started a beautiful path together. A long path with wisdoms and mistakes. I learned about Debian and you about correcting me, but both learned to wait each other.

Dear Pyro, for not to many years together, with this wonderful relation ApplicationManager-Applicant, I say you: Happy Anniversary!

PD: don't get angry, I'm just joking (c:

14 March 2006

Luciano Bello: DebianDay talk

My proposal to DebianDay in Oaxtepec was accepted!

The talk will try to introduce people in the many ways to help with Debian. I m not talking about become a DD . I mean, exist lots of way to make a better Debian, even if you type only with your index fingers.

I m accepting contributions. Please, write down your idea here. No IT profiles are appreciated in a special way :-). Come on, don t be shy.

Luciano Bello: DebianDay talk

My proposal to DebianDay in Oaxtepec was accepted!

The talk will try to introduce people in the many ways to help with Debian. I m not talking about become a DD . I mean, exist lots of way to make a better Debian, even if you type only with your index fingers.

I m accepting contributions. Please, write down your idea here. No IT profiles are appreciated in a special way :-). Come on, don t be shy.

22 February 2006

Luciano Bello: Sorry for my English

In order to get in into the only-english-planets world, I'm starting a new blog tag: "Sorry for my English". Yes, all the English staff will be here, waiting for your corrections. Who knows... may be, some day, I will learn the difference between each English verb conjugation.

Or, may be not, but will be funny :).

